What about our future projects! The first time I saw the new linkedin functionality called “Skills & Expertise” I really get anxious to discover what was that!
After some researches and searches I realized it was a kind of report about the user’s skills, about our future projects!
Basically, it shows: 1) the growth about that skills comparing last year index, 2) the current numbers of users with that skills and 3) the current age of them.
After this conclusion, the first thing I tried to discover was how much SCRUM and Agile Project Development were growing. The result really makes me happy, because it showed SCRUM is increasing something about 11% per year!
This data just evidence market is understanding the real power of agile development, and realizing how products could get value added faster.
With this in our hands is not difficult to conclude we will have much more agile projects in near future! Yes, our future projects!
So I suggest you to join us on Agile Project Management and get better (and faster) results NOW, and along this way get ready to the future!
Important: These number are based on octover 13, 2012. I will edit this post with 2016 data and will be clear the scrum spreading over pmp in the world
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Parabéns Eduardo Sucena, seu trabalho foi de grande auxilio no meu novo Projeto.
Abraços, Sergio R. Braz.